Sunday, April 26, 2009

Beware of People Who Tell You It's Easy To Make Money in MLM!

The biggest problem with ALL MLM's lies within the business model itself. Meaning that success in MLM is ALWAYS based upon the recruitment of other people. In the end, it is about the business "opportunity" and the promoting of such, more so than the actual product.

For this reason, the business eventually cannibalizes itself as each person in the company (crossline for you) ends up becoming your direct competitor. Within time
your market universe is eaten up. More so now that there are about 400+ MLM companies in Singapore. An example of this would be to take ANY BUSINESS in your local town. Any business. In this example lets take an AUTO DETAILER. You pay him to detail your car and then...

..he pitches you to BECOME AN AUTO DETAILER TOO!

Now, there are two auto detailers in your town. Him and you. In a few months there will be hundreds and then thousands. Pretty soon auto detailers will all be working for $1 an hour... hence is the case with MLM.

I know people who are pro MLM will argue this with me till they are blue in the face but fact of the matter is this... just because a very small group of people make money in MLM does NOT mean it is a viable business model. As far as I am concerned MLM is a flawed business model which should be eradicated off the face of the
earth. And I say this as someone who has earned very nice four figure checks from MLM in the past.

Why would I ever quit?

GOOD QUESTION with an even better answer...

In MLM you are NEVER selling a product (ultimately) you are selling an opportunity... a dream. I found that for every 10 people I recruited 1.5 would do anything and an even smaller percentage would have what it would take. What made me quit was one morning when I was shaving and looking at myself in the mirror.

I thought to myself...

I am signing up people who I KNOW CAN'T do it. They just don't have the skills to do it (never have and never will). Yet, I tell them "You can do it".

I am lying...

I know in my heart they would be better off painting houses or detailing cars or.. in some cases... working a job.

I know people will argue and say (like my upline) "if you believe in free enterprise you can't take away the opportunity to fail from someone!".

What a great argument I thought!

But there is a big difference between taking away the opportunity to fail from someone and...

"Letting them jump in the boxing ring with Mike Tyson!"

I have been in MLM since I was 35 and I am self employed full time since 1997. It is hard work constantly recuiting people. And more so doing free seminars where you hand out free samples of your product. You get home around 10 or 11 pm. Most new recruits are lazy and they do not want to work. Other people work hard for a few weeks and then quit. Only a few stick it out. So the turn over is unreal.

Product is usually over priced to pay all the levels. The man at the top of the pyramid was making a quarter of a mil, the level underneath about six figures, under that were people like me making 50+, and under me were thousands of people most making a tiny amount.

What I hated anout MLM was auto-ship. There was this guy who was doing MLM for years that had a garage full of unsold product because he had to make quota every month. SCARY!
It is like every month you had to move hundreds of dollar in product and that is not easy.

I know people will NOT want to hear this (especially those in MLM currently) but the majority of our society is NOT fit to be in ANY BUSINESS. They simply do NOT have what it takes to be self employed and run a business. That's why I got tired of personally sponsoring people (or helping my downline sign up people) who I knew would NEVER make it in MLM in a million years. In Fact, they would be better off running a day care business or selling cookies at a garage sale.

Network marketing is a business of networking... many people get in and all they think about is the huge checks they saw at a meeting yet...

They NEVER think about what is actually required DAY AFTER DAY to get to that big check. Network marketing means N-E-T-W-O-R-K-I-N-G.... this means talking to people. It means being on the phone all day long. Day after day. IT takes a certain person to do it and it is definitely NOT for everyone.

I still have friends who make 6 figure incomes in network marketing today. They will tell you a different story about the business than I. I guess it was easy for me to quit because I never really needed the money. I already had a decent income. In fact, I make more money from other businesses and investment rather than MLM. In the end... attrition rate was high for those who didn't make money quitted. Also, $10,000wasn't worth it for me to tell someone else how to lose $1,000 a whole lot of the time.

If I would have taken all the time I put in MLM and focused it on my own business there is no doubt that I would already be a millionaire today.


Stay away from MLM. There are way too many other great opportunities out there for you. People LOVE MLM because they don't have to think or create anything (two things people don't like to do these days).

What a rant... My .02 cents.

Bottomline: If you really wanted to work on MLM, my suggestion is that you get a job first. Select an MLM company with proven reputation on products and payout of commissions on time. Probably an online one as it will not take up much of your time. Learn about internet marketing and recruit distributors and customers using the internet rather than spending all your time meeting up people. Choose a company where you like and will continue to take the products even though you are not making money.


  1. Did anyone came across this moneygame and scam like BuyEbarrel, and SINGCAP.COM? I really know who is the real boss and main people behind. This Guy is Allan Tan Lian Heng. He is somewhere AROUND 61 years old and is cunning man and old fox. He is now a dangerous and wanted man. He is the master of alot of other moneygame and fraud company in Singapore. He is extremely cunning who is capable of brainwashing people tht is anyone unexpected like treating u as brothers or acting very poor. Be careful of him and if anyone came across him, dont ge fooled by his outlook appearance. He is now a wanted man in Singapore

  2. Be aware of This Guy Allan Tan Lian Heng. He is somewhere AROUND 61 years old and is cunning man and old fox. He is now a dangerous and wanted man. He is the master of alot of moneygame MLM and fraud company in Singapore. He is extremely cunning who is capable of brainwashing people tht is anyone unexpected like treating u as brothers or acting very poor. Be careful of him and if anyone came across him, dont ge fooled by his outlook appearance. He is now wanted by many people in Singapore.
